In far and mysterious India, the male penis is respectfully called the Lingam.
Shivalingam is considered to be a symbol of Lord Shiva and has been worshiped for more than three thousand years.

Workshop’s program:

  • The truth about man and women sexuality
  • Men’s erogenous zones
  • Separation of ejaculation and orgasm
  • Types of male orgasms. Secrets of prolongation and acceleration of male orgasm.
  • Lingam massage effect on the body and the mind of a man
  • Lingam Massage and men’s health
  • Lingam massage techniques practice on dildos

This Workshop will be interesting and useful for those women who want to:

  • Share love with a man
  • Learn how to create the atmosphere of a deep relaxation for the man
  • Learn the unique techniques of Lingam massage and how to fill a man with an energy
  • Learn how to heal a man with the touch of your hands
  • Strengthen the trust and intimacy in your couple

This workshop is very practical. However, if you do not want to use a dildo to practice Lingam massage techniques, you may  make notes/sketches in your notebook.

Workshop will take place on 16 December 2017 at 12:00 in Urban Yogini Õ

Workshop will last: 2.5 hours.

Workshop’s price: 50 euros.

NB! Workshop will be held in Estonian and Russian. Some English translation maybe given if required.

Please register through: Facebook or by e-mail: [email protected]