A lovely couple spends pleasant moments in the bathroom. Gently cuddle during their honeymoon

Private Tantric Sessions for Couples


When was the last time you tried something adventurous in the bedroom with your partner? The sad reality is that the longer couples are together sometimes the harder it is to be sexually free, in fear of being embarrassed.

It’s not about sharing your partner with someone else, it’s about trying something new together.


Tantra massage for couples

Private Tantric Sessions for Couples

Being in a Couple is one of the most effective and quickest ways to reach Harmony!


Would You Like to Learn Tantra in Private?

Are you curious to learn Tantra, but joining a group workshop is not for you?
If you would rather like to have a private session, made just for you and your beloved one, then a private session is for you!

Session may include:

The Mastery of Tantric Meditation

Learn how to get united using breath and meditation.
You will learn how to become more present with each other, how to switch off from daily routine, deepen the connection, and raise inner Love, Freedom, and Consciousness.
You may use the practices you learn before love-making or any time you want, to deepen the connection and union in the couple.


The Mastery of Tantric Communication

Do you have difficulties communicating or expressing your feelings to your beloved one?
At this session, you will learn the techniques for communication, how to build healthy private borders, as well as how to navigate when one or both of you feel down.


The Mastery of Tantric Touch

Very often we touch each other only in two or three different ways, as we have never been taught how and where to touch.
Tantra gives a deep understanding of touch and how it can lead to altered states of mind, body, heart, and soul.
You will learn the secrets of taking your beloved from the physical realm to the etheric realm by using touch.
You will also learn how to act when your partner feels shut down when touched and how to move through that state.


Tantra Massage for Couples

Private Tantric Session for Couples

Session lasts for 2-hours

Price €300

Two hours before the session eat light food. Aavoid eating heavy food (meat, fish, eggs, etc.), drinking coffee, black tea, stimulating drinks, alcohol.

Come and discover the beautiful world of Tantra!

When booking a session, please consider that you have to pay an advance payment of 50 %
When booking a session, please keep in mind that the reservation time can be cancelled no later than 24 hours before the start of the session.
Let’s respect each other’s time!